Suite One Studio

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Weekly Update Postponed: Next Update 5/5

There will not be a weekly update today, 4/28. As many of you may have seen on my Instagram account, my family suffered the loss of my thirty year old cousin, Cj this past week in a motorcycle accident. I've been to Florida once already to be with family, and will be back there again this weekend after coming back to North Carolina for a few days in my studio. It feels amazing to be back to work. The simple routine of it all is comfortable  and controlled, which is exactly what I need to cope through this difficult and wildly uncontrollable time. 

When I left North Carolina last week my garden was showing signs of promise, but I didn't have any flowers yet in bloom. After six days away, I returned to tall, proud irises, and full, radiant roses. My peonies are budding and must have grown an inch a day while I was away. There are the tiniest, fuzziest little peaches beginning on my peach tree, and the earliest hints of raspberries dripping down from the bush's branches. Seeing this unstoppable growth as this next season rolls in is a great reminder to me of the way time moves forward; the way life moves forward.

Likewise the ebb and flow in my studio provides a similar unrelenting rhythm of growth, change, and progress. I'm especially thankful for this natural momentum now. I've decided to take the week off from our usual updates. I'm still posting on Instagram and you can follow there for updates this week while I work in the studio and travel to beautiful St. Augustine, Florida. The next restock on 5/5 will be back on the usual every Tuesday at 7 PM schedule. 

I've received a few messages from people asking how they can help Cj's family of six as they venture into this unfamiliar territory of loss and change. Warm thoughts and prayers are of course very appreciated. If you feel moved to contribute financially, this link will provide you with the information. If any of you have any recommended resources for the children coping through the loss of their parent, I would be extremely interested in hearing from you with this information.

Thank you all for your support during this time!