Effortless Entertaining: Spiked Watermelon Limeade

I love a good summer cocktail recipe but the last thing I want to do in the summer is spend time making hot simple syrup over the stove. Instead I look for ways to bring sweetness to my drinks either through a sweet fruit or by mixing in pre-made juices. In this case it's a little bit of both: sweet seasonal watermelon and pre-made lemonade. I squeeze fresh limes into this to add a twist of tart citrus that's super refreshing in this hot hot heat!

Ingredients for each serving:

1/2 lime

2 ounces sweetened lemonade of choice

2.5 cups chopped seedless watermelon

1.5 ounce white rum


Chop the watermelon (don't use rind) and blend in the blender

Pour through the mesh strainer into the drinking glass (or into a spouted bowl to minimize the mess and then transfer into each drinking glass.)

Add 2 oz of lemonade to each glass

Juice a half section of lime and add to glass, repeat for all glasses

Add 1.5 oz of white rum to each glass

Stir and top with ice before serving. I love these oversized ice cubes for cocktails because they melt slower than smaller, standard ice cubes and don't water down your drinks as quickly-- another hot weather bonus! Grab a large ice cube tray just like mine right here!


xoxo Lindsay


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