Currently Working On...

I was meaning to write a post these past few weeks, but was struggling to find a single topic to focus on, largely in part due to my current studio production which is completely lacking in singular focus. Instead I have several (really exciting) projects happening all at the same time. I'm working on much larger sets than I'm accustomed to, which is a challenge I'm greatly enjoying. My shelves are filled with dozens upon dozens of pots, to the point that I'm probably hitting (and passing) triple digits, an exciting accomplishment for my growing studio. Rather than attempt to extract a single topic, I decided to share some images from my Instagram stream (I'm over there @suiteonestudio), which I think pretty perfectly capture life in my studio right now.

Spring is beginning to show itself in North Carolina. The days are noticeably longer, the grass greener with each passing day, and the temperatures significantly warming. We've had many little visitors in my backyard lately including a Great Blue Heron, a Woodchuck and hundreds of birds including the spring heralding Robin (Right on time little guy, thank you!).

With the increase in production comes the increased reliance upon my equipment. On cue my kiln required a little maintenance, so Kim and I pulled out our heavy duty power tools, safety googles and propane torch to do some electrical work. Which still amazes me that we can do. I guess that's a Girl Power moment, because we seriously know our stuff now... which is totally cool, right?

Shop updates are a little less frequent than my goal, which is to have at least two huge updates each month. I'll definitely get to that, but there are so many changes happening with my business right now, that making is really my focus. A focus that will show itself online within the month. Promise the coming inventory will exceed your expectations. I have some major collaborations in the works that I think will make many of your giddy, or at least that's my goal. So seriously stay tuned, k? 

One of the most interesting things about owning a business that has grown into a business, rather than one that began that way, is that I get to share the entire process with the very people that continue to make it happen. So thank you again and again for your support, social media shares and encouragement! You all rock. Simple as that. Happy Spring!




Oven baked